Corporate Meditation Series

“the more regularly you meditate, the sooner you will find yourself acting always from a center of calm” – J Donald Walters

After completion of the Introduction to Meditation Workshop, the StillPoint offers a series of follow up meditation classes to corporate clients.

These classes provide students with an opportunity to raise any questions that may have come up from their home practice, to deepen their understanding of meditation, and to learn other techniques.

Stillpoint’s Corporate Meditation sessions are taught in workplaces throughout Sydney, with clients in North Sydney, Sydney CBD, St Leonards, Cromer and Mosman.

Corporate Meditation sessions usually take the following format:

  • 4 x 30 minute lunchtime class
  • short Q & A and refresher on the practice of meditation
  • teaching of a new technique each class
  • access to recordings of any techniques practiced in class
  • helps to cement the practice of meditation into daily life